Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Condo Purchases Require Extra Steps

Homebuyers contemplating purchasing a condominium should review a long list of documents and other information to make sure that the property they are considering is a solid buy in this challenging market.

The following information is a the top of the must-consider list:
  • Budget. Examine the current budget, a year-to-date statement of income and expenses, and a couple of previous years’ budgets to see how they’ve changed.
  • Reserve study. Understand the plan for maintenance and how it will be paid for.
  • Special assessments. Ask if there have been any and whether more are planned.
  • Delinquencies. How many owners are behind in their payments? Many lenders say no more than 15 percent of owners can be in arrears or they won’t write mortgages in the complex.

Source: Chicago Tribune, Lew Sichelman (08/23/2009)